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Office of the University Registrar

2005-06 Undergraduate Catalog


Computer Science
College: Liberal Arts and Sciences
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Hours for Degree: 120
Minor: No
Combined-Degree Program: Yes

A minimum of 120 semester hours and a junior/senior-level GPA are required for a bachelor's degree with a major from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

To continue to the junior/senior-level, a student should complete all General Education requirements, at least MAC 2311, 2312, 2313 and the first physics course with a C or better grade while maintaining a 2.5 critical-tracking GPA. Students with little or no programming background should take the CIS 3022/3023 sequence in place of CIS 3020. Fulfilling the minimum requirements, however, does not guarantee admission to the program.

Department Requirements
  • Mathematics: MAC 2311, 2312 and 2313, MAS 3114, STA 3032
  • Physics: PHY 2048L or 2053L and either PHY 2048 or 2053; PHY 2049L or 2054L and either PHY 2049 or 2054
  • English: ENC 2210 or ENC 3254 (grade of C or better)
  • Major courses: CIS 3020/3023 (grade of C or better) and 4914, CDA 3101, COP 3530 and 4600, COT 3100 and 4501, CEN 3031 and EEL 3701C
  • One of CIS 4301 or CAP 4800
  • Six hours of approved CISE electives
  • An exit interview is required the last semester with a CISE adviser.
  • Before registering for CIS 4914, a project must be approved by an adviser.

Students must earn a grade of C or better in course work for the major and satisfy all college requirements to graduate.

Critical Tracking and Semester Plan

Semester 1:

  • 2.0 UF GPA required in semesters 1-5
  • Complete MAC 1147 or MAC 2311

Semester 2:

  • Complete MAC 2311

Semester 3:

  • Complete MAC 2312

Semester 4:

  • Complete MAC 2313 and Physics 1 and laboratory with a 2.5 GPA on all critical-tracking course work

Semester 5:

  • Complete Physics 2 and laboratory and two CIS courses with a 2.5 GPA on all critical-tracking course work

Suggested semester-by-semester plan

Semester 1Credits
Humanities (GE–H, I)3
Foreign language3-5
MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 (GE–M)4
Composition (GE–C)3
Total 13-15
Semester 2 Credits
Foreign Language3-5
PHY 2053 Physics 1 (4) or
PHY 2048 Physics with Calculus 1 (GE–P)
PHY 2053L or PHY 2048L Laboratory for PHY 2053 or PHY 2048 (GE–P)1
MAC 2312 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2 (GE–M)4
Total 14-17
Semester 3Credits
PHY 2054 Physics 2 or PHY 2049 Physics with Calculus 2 (GE–P)3-4
PHY 2054L or PHY 2049L Laboratory for PHY 2054 or PHY 2049 (GE–P)1
MAC 2313 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 3 (GE–M)4
CIS 3020 Advanced Programming Fundamentals for CIS Majors3
Elective (or foreign language if 4-3-3 option)3
Total 14-15
Semester 4Credits
Humanities (GE–H, I)3
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE–S)3
COT 3100 Applications of Discrete Structures (GE–M)3
EEL 3701C Digital Logic and Computer Systems4
Total 16-13
Semester 5Credits
Humanities (GE–H)3
Biological Science (GE–B)3
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE–S)3
CDA 3101 Introduction to Computer Organization3
ENC 2210 Technical Writing or
ENC 3254 Professional Writing in the Discipline (GE–C)
Total 15
Semester 6Credits
Biological Science (GE–B)3
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE–S)3
COP 3530 Data Structures and Algorithm4
MAS 3114 Computational Linear Algebra3
Total 16
Semester 7 Credits
CEN 3031 Introduction to Software Engineering3
CIS 4301 Information and Database Systems 1 or
CAP 4800 Systems Simulation
COT 4501 Numerical Analysis – A Computational Approach3
CISE elective3
Total 15
Semester 8Credits
CIS 4914 Senior Project3
COP 4600 Operating Systems3
STA 3032 Engineering Statistics (GE–M)3
CISE elective3
Total 17-14