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Office of the University Registrar

2005-06 Undergraduate Catalog


College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

The department offers a minor in fisheries and aquatic sciences (FAS) consisting of a minimum of 15 semester credits with grades of C or better.

A minimum of nine semester credits must be completed at UF. Students must also complete at least three FAS courses of three or more credits each at the 3000 level or higher.

A maximum of three credits of FAS 4905 (Independent Study) can be applied toward the minor, but cannot be used to fulfill the nine credits of 3000 level or higher.

No courses in the minor can be taken under the S-U option.

Students applying for the minor must obtain written approval from their academic adviser and the undergraduate coordinator in FAS at least two semesters before graduation.


FAS 2024 Global and Regional Perspectives in Fisheries3
FAS 4202C Biology of Fishes4
FAS 4305C Introduction to Fishery Science3
FAS 4405C Principles of Aquaculture4
FAS 4905 Independent Study1-3, max 3
FAS 4932 Special Topics in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences1-4, max 8

Note: Appropriate courses in other departments can satisfy the additional six credits required for the minor: ZOO 4403C, ZOO 4404C, EES 4201, SOS 4242, OCE 3016 or other courses with permission of the FAS undergraduate coordinator.