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Office of the University Registrar

2005-06 Undergraduate Catalog


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

The minor in physics consists of the complete sequence in general physics:

  • PHY 2048 or 2060, PHY 2049 or 2061, PHY 2048L and PHY 4049L;
  • PHY 3101 or 3063 Modern Physics; and
  • Any two additional 3000- or 4000-level courses listed in the physics major course sequence.
  • All grades must be C or better and no more than three credits at the 3000 level or above may be earned by transfer.

The following courses cannot count toward a minor in physics: PHY 3031, PHY 3400, PHY 3840L and individual study courses.

Students interested in pursuing a minor in physics are urged to consult one of the physics advisers and obtain the required approval of a minor program of study no later than the beginning of the junior year.