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Office of the University Registrar

Registrar Services
Registrar Services

2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog

Degree Requirements

To earn a bachelor’s degree, a student must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Earn at least 124 credits, part of which may be accepted by transfer from another
    college or university. The last 30 of these credits must be earned while the student is enrolled in classes in this college at UF. A minimum of 80 of the 124 credits must come from courses outside of this college.
  • Earn at least a 2.0 in all work attempted while a student in this college and a 2.0 or better in all work attempted in courses having the prefixes ADV, JOU, MMC, PUR and RTV.
  • Earn a C or better in required English, speech and Writing for Mass Communication (or its equivalent). Advertising majors also must earn a C or better in MAR 3023 and STA 2023. Public relations majors must earn a C or better in STA 2023.

Grades of C or higher are also required in ADV 3000, ADV 3001, ADV 3501, ADV 3001, ADV 3203, ADV 3501, ADV 4101, ADV 4800, JOU 3101 (Reporting), RTV 2100 (Writing for Electronic Media), RTV 3000 (Introduction to Telecommunication), RTV 3303 (Electronic News and Reporting 1), RTV 4301 (Electronic News and Reporting 2), PUR 3000 (Principles of Public Relations), PUR 3500 (Public Relations Research), PUR 3801 (Public Relations Strategy), PUR 4001 (Public Relations Campaigns) and PUR 4100 (Public Relations Writing) for majors in those respective areas. Students earning below a C must retake the course or its equivalent.

Graduating with Honors