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SAT II Subject Tests for Placement into UF Courses

SAT II Score

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580 & below

ENC 1101

Test not required to enroll in ENC 1101 (placement based on SAT/ACT verbal score).

590 & above

ENC 1102 or

ENC 1145

Or student may enroll in ENG 1131, CRW 1101 or 1301, or any 2000-level English department course, except those courses with a prerequisite other than ENC 1101.

Math Level II-C

Based on your major and career goals, determine which course (MAC 2233 or MAC 2311) is appropriate for you. Then, based on your test score, determine whether you first need to take a precalculus course.

510 & below

MAC 1147 or

MAC 1140

First take MAC 1147 and earn a C grade or better, or take MAC 1140 and then retake the SAT II placement test to place into MAC 2233.


MAC 2233

Eligible for MAC 2233; however, students should consider improving their skills by first taking MAC 1140 for an algebra review.

540 & above

MAC 2233

Background is appropriate for success in MAC 2233.

530 & below

MAC 1147

First take MAC 1147. Students with weak background (such as having no high school math credit higher than Algebra II, or having no senior year math credit) may take MAC1140 and 1114, then retake the SAT II placement test to place into MAC 2311.


MAC 2311

Eligible for MAC 2311; consider first taking MAC 1147 to improve skills.

570 & above

MAC 2311

Background is appropriate for success in MAC 2311.

630 & above

MAC 3472

Permission of the Honors Program director is required to enroll in this course.


470 & below

CHM 1025


CHM 2045

May choose to take CHM 1025. CHM 2045 requires a functional command of high school chemistry and Algebra II.

540 & above

CHM 2045 or

CHM 2047

In order to enroll in CHM 2047, students should have an AP chemistry score of 4 or 5 or an IB chemistry score of 5, 6, or 7, in addition to a 540 or higher on the SAT II chemistry exam. Students must have permission of an honors adviser (140 Tigert) or a chemistry adviser (158 Leigh) to enroll in CHM 2047. This course is for first- year students only.


390 & Below

FRE 1130

Students with three years of high school French cannot take FRE 1130; must take FRE 1115.


FRE 1115

Students with four years of high school French cannot take FRE 1115 or 1130; must take FRE 1131.


FRE 1131


FRE 2200 and 2240

LAS language requirement complete. Can choose to continue study of French.


FRE 2201 and 2241

LAS language requirement complete. Can choose to continue of study of French.

700 & above


For placement in 3000-level courses, contact Romance Languages in 170 Dauer (392-2017).


470 & below

GER 1121


GER 1122


GER 2200

LAS language requirement complete. Can choose to continue study of German.

700 & above


For placement in 3000-level courses, contact the Germanic & Slavic Languages Office in 263 Dauer (392-2101).


430 & below

LAT 1120

Only for students with one year or less or no high school Latin.


LAT 1121

Only for students with one or two years of high school Latin.


LAT 1122

Only for students with two or three years of high school Latin. Students with four years cannot take LAT 1122; must take LNW 2321 or 2560 or a 3000-level course.

540 & above


LAS language requirement complete. Can choose a 2000-level Latin course.


Students who have studied Spanish 2 in grades 9-12 MUST have an SAT II, AP or IB score to enroll in any SPN 1000-level course.

340 & below

SPN 1130

Only for students with two years or less of Spanish, or Spanish 2, in grades 9-12.


SPN 1115

Only for students with three years or less of Spanish, or Spanish 3, in grades 9-12.


SPN 1131

Only for students with three years or less of Spanish, or Spanish 3, in grades 9-12.


SPN 1116

Successful completion of SPN 1116 satisfies the LAS language requirement.


SPN 2200

LAS language requirement completed. May choose to continue study of Spanish.


SPN 2201

LAS language requirement completed. May choose to continue study of Spanish.

700 & above

SPN 2240

SPN 2340

SPN 3300

For placement in these courses, contact the Spanish undergraduate coordinator in 170 Dauer (392-2017).

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