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Office of the University Registrar

2005-06 Undergraduate Catalog


College of Education

Education - General

College of Education

The intent of this minor is to provide students with a clearer understanding of the purposes and function of education and the social and psychological forces that affect young people. The minor is not intended to lead to teacher certification.

General information about the minor is available online. Students should make written application for admission to the minor in G416 Norman Hall after 60 and before 100 hours earned. Courses from this minor cannot be substituted for the secondary education minor.

A student who chooses this minor is expected to complete 15 hours with grades of C or better from the courses listed below. Students must select courses from at least three of the five sections, and no course substitutions are permitted.

Courses, Section 1

EDF Human Growth and Development3
EDF 3135 The Adolescent3
EDF 3210 Educational Psychology3

Courses, Section 2

EDF 3514 History of Education3
EDF 3604 Social Foundations of Education3
EDF 3810 Comparative Education3

Courses, Section 3

EEX 3312 Exceptional People: School and Society3
EEX 3012 Introduction to Special Education3

Courses, Section 4

SDS 3482 Stress and Anxiety Management3
SDS 3481 Alcohol and Drug Abuse2
SDS 3340 Career and Life Span Planning3
SDS 4410 Interpersonal Communication Skills3

Courses, Section 5

EME 4200 Production and Utilization of Educational Media4

Credit will not be awarded toward the minor if a student is a TA for a class.