Room Scheduling Courses

The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) schedules rooms collaboratively with departmental room schedulers to support the university’s teaching mission. The registrar’s office also schedules rooms for reviews, exams, departmental meetings and student-group needs.

The OUR provides training to departmental room schedulers, who are staff members from various departments who input the Schedule of Courses for their department. A secured Event Scheduling Request Form, located in studentadmin, is used by schedulers to submit requests for classroom space.

If you are a new departmental room scheduler, contact the Office of the University Registrar for training.

If you are a departmental room scheduler needing to request a course change, contact the Room Scheduling Area to submit any requests.

Fall Scheduling

Fall & Spring Classes

Classes meet for 50 minutes with a 15-minute break between classes

PeriodClass BeginsClass Ends
Period 117:25 a.m. ET8:15 a.m. ET
Period 228:30 a.m. ET9:20 a.m. ET
Period 339:35 a.m. ET10:25 a.m. ET
Period 4410:40 a.m. ET11:30 a.m. ET
Period 5511:45 a.m. ET12:35 p.m. ET
Period 6612:50 p.m. ET1:40 p.m. ET
Period 771:55 p.m. ET2:45 p.m. ET
Period 883:00 p.m. ET3:50 p.m. ET
Period 994:05 p.m. ET4:55 p.m. ET
Period 10105:10 p.m. ET6:00 p.m. ET
Period 11116:15 p.m. ET7:05 p.m. ET
Period E1E17:20 p.m. ET8:10 p.m. ET
Period E2E28:20 p.m. ET9:10 p.m. ET
Period E3E39:20 p.m. ET10:10 p.m. ET

One-credit courses should be scheduled for one period Tuesday or Thursday. A possible variation for one-credit courses is mentioned below in the four-credit course section.

Two-credit courses should be scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday (T R), the same period both days.

Three-credit courses should be scheduled as follows:

  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday (M W F), one period a day, at the same period each day.
  • Tuesday and Thursday (T R), one period on one day and two periods the other day.
  • Three-hour Tuesday/Thursday combinations should complement other Tuesday/Thursday courses so that no 'dead space' remains in the schedule.

For example: If class A meets Tuesday period 4 and Thursday periods 4 and 5, then class B should be scheduled to meet Tuesday periods 5 and 6 and Thursday period 6 so that the two classes together occupy the Tuesday/Thursday block periods 4 - 6.

Tuesday/Thursday scheduling patterns


Four-credit courses should be scheduled Tuesday and Thursday (T R) two periods each day (and the same two periods each day). These double-session courses should begin in an odd-numbered period. Do not schedule four-credit courses for a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (MTWR) combination or any combination of four days for one period unless your college can also schedule a one-credit course for that same period on the fifth day.

Five-credit courses should meet daily, Monday through Friday (MTWRF), the same period each day.

Classes scheduled for the M W F or MTWRF combinations will meet at the same hour each day.

One-period labs should be scheduled on Tuesday or Thursday.

Lecture or discussion periods that need a block of time in a single day should be restricted to late afternoon or evening periods.

Summer Scheduling

Summer Classes

Summer A/B classes meet for 75 minutes with a 15 minute break between classes
Summer C classes meet for 65 minutes within the 75-minute regular summer period

PeriodClass BeginsClass Ends
Period 118:00 a.m. ET9:15 a.m. ET
Period 229:30 a.m. ET10:45 a.m. ET
Period 3311:00 a.m. ET12:15 p.m. ET
Period 4412:30 p.m. ET1:45 p.m. ET
Period 552:00 p.m. ET3:15 p.m. ET
Period 663:30 p.m. ET4:45 p.m. ET
Period 775:00 p.m. ET6:15 p.m. ET
Period E1E17:00 p.m. ET8:15 p.m. ET
Period E2E28:30 p.m. ET9:45 p.m. ET

Scheduling Patterns for Summer A & B courses

One-credit courses meet two days a week, in a Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday combination, one 75-minute period a day for six weeks.

Two-credit courses meet four days a week for one 75-minute period a day for six weeks. Scheduling should be in a MTWR and/or F combination at a common hour, OR the course can be scheduled in a M W or T R pattern for two class periods a day.

Three-credit courses should meet daily for one 75-minute period a day.

Four-credit courses should meet daily for one 75-minute period a day, with two additional classes scheduled during the week (preferably on T R).

Scheduling Patterns for Summer C courses

One-credit courses meet one day a week for 65 minutes during a 75-minute period.

Two-credit courses meet two days a week for 65 minutes during a 75-minute period. Courses should meet at the same period each day on Tuesday and Thursday.

Three-credit courses meet M W F at the same period each day for 65 minutes during a 75-minute period.

Four-credit courses meet four days a week at the same period each day for 65 minutes during a 75 minute period.

Five-credit courses meet Monday through Friday (MTWRF), the same period every day.

Classes scheduled for Term C will not meet during the break week between terms A and B.

Splitting the instructor is not permitted. The same instructor must teach the same students for both halves of Term C.